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    Re: [RC] [Guest] Pigeon Fever - Merryben

    Usually a swelling in the pectoral region on one side in the front of the chest.  It starts out soft, gets bigger and harder and then develops a soft spot in the middle.  That's when it is lanced.  It is horrible and gross and then you just keep the inside of it cleaned out [I used water and novalsan with a big syringe] and let it heal from the inside like any abscess. 

    I have heard that the junk that comes out of it is highly contagious but am not sure.  In my experience, one horse will have it and his paddock buddy won't.  October is usually when one or more of our horses will get it.  We have had 1-3 cases of it in a year.   So far, none this year...I think they call is "bastard strangles".  My vet advises against any medications such as antibiotics, etc. and my horses have always recovered just fine with no ill effects so far....mb