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Current to Wed Jul 23 17:39:28 GMT 2003
  • Next by Date: Re: [RC] Ft Howe or ANY fast race
  • - Heidi Smith
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  • - Randy and Cheryl Winter

    Re: [RC] RO/Newbie perspective - Heidi Smith

    >First was at Leatherwood.  We're Yankees and this was a tougher ride than we'd anticipated, especially so early in the season for us.  At the second vet check, hubby's horse wouldn't eat.  He was cleared to go on;  he did not.  Okay, that's easy.  His pull would be RO/M.  I didn't want to go on without him, particularly if his horse was going to colic or crash while I was out on trail.  My horse was all As on his vet card, and was happily eating hubby's refused beet pulp.  My pull categorization?  RO/wussy?  RO/worried about hubby's horse?
    You're right--the first pull is M, and the second pull is truly an RO--just like a junior who pulls because sponsor got pulled, or visa versa.  Wussy and worried about someone else's horse definitely fall into the RO category!  :-)

    >Second was at OCTRA Junefest in Ontario, Canada.  It was hot, hot, hot.  Something like over 100 degrees with very high humidity.  We hadn't done much conditioning in the heat, but were pre-entered and figured we'd just ride a nice, conservative pace and see how it went.  At the halfway, both horses were all As, we were somewhere just a little south of Top Ten pace, hubby was feeling a little heat stressed.  We hadn't done much conditioning in the heat (hadn't had much hot weather til that point);  we both felt the horses had had enough.  Could we eke out a completion?  Almost certainly.  But was that really fair to the horses?  Nope.  So we pulled.  I think this could be categorized again as RO/wussy.  Or RO/worried about hubby. 
    Yes, heat stroke and worried about hubby both are RO's... 
    My one RO pull was likewise heat stroke--on my part--I felt so bad for my horse, but there was no way they could put ME back together in time for us to go on and complete...  <sigh>  Other than that, I don't mind having the "real" pull codes on there at all, because they are the truth.  I think I've only had one metabolic pull, and it was before pull codes, but the vets actually had me back up on my horse and sent back out, but once I got out and thought about it, I knew I was right and came back in and pulled.  And it was darn sure metabolic, even though I made the choice.


    See above.  I think the pull codes fit your scenario just fine.

    >P.S.  In both cases, I was chastised by some for pulling, congratulated by others.  How odd.
    Yeah, there are as many opinions in a ridecamp as there are people.  This ridecamp included.

    [RC] RO/Newbie perspective, RISTREE