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    [RC] Hallelujah Ride story - Tim Worden

    Hey RideCampers!!  It seems we need something on here
    to read that's not such at big debate.  As if all
    these political commercials on TV weren't enough, now
    it's all there's been on RideCamp.  So here's my
    little write up on my ride experience last weekend at
    the Hallelujah Ride in Camden, SC.
    A couple weeks before the actually ride I talked my
    wife into signing up for the 25miler.  We had not been
    able to ride our horses much lately, so we decided to
    do a SLOW 25 just to get some more miles.  I've heard
    so much good about the ride that Lucie Hancock puts on
    every year that we just had to go.  Lucie usually has
    her ride in Feb, but with the change in ride locations
    and time of year, she decided to put a second ride
    together for the year 2002.  Lucie, "Survivor" Trish
    Jackson, and others, worked with the Camden Hunt Club
    to setup this ride.  These trail weave around 12,000
    acres of pines.  An absolutely beautiful area for a
    ride in mid-October in the SE.  The nights were cold,
    but the days got up to low 70s.  Camden has a rich
    history of horses with the Steeple Chase track, so
    what better area to have an endurance ride.
    We pulled into camp on a beautiful Friday and setup
    camp under the power-lines.  Had to watch our for red
    ants, wicked burrs, and cacti.  During setup,
    excitement arose as a horse got loose and took off
    down the power-line out of site.  Trish Jackson tore
    off after the horse in her new Ford truck she won from
    Survivor.  Luckily they retrieved the horse.
    Our horses vetted in just fine, however my wife, Lara,
    was not feeling so hot.  She had been fighting a bug
    and it started to get bad again.  So at the ride
    meeting I asked Lucie if anyone was looking for a
    horse to ride.  With luck, there was a 14y/o named
    Megan, and best fried of Lucie's granddaughter, that
    wanted to ride and was about to go get a horse.  So
    she became our hired gun to ride our little grey.  A
    14y/o to ride our 14hh grade Arab mini-tank.  This was
    to be Megan's first ride and first time on an english
    Morning came and Megan showed up about 7:30 to saddle
    up.  We were all set and she was able to warm up a bit
    on Jazz.  The 25miler started and we eventually made
    our way down the trail along with my buddy Tom Keever.
     I was on my girl, Jayda, the 14.2hh bay that I have
    for sale in the classifieds.  We pretty much stuck
    with a nice easy trot the whole way.  5 miles in we
    came to the railroad crossing.  Well, them tracks and
    stones yanked a shoe right off Jayda.  The trails were
    ALL sand so I was not too worried and on we went. 
    None of them wanted to drink on the first loop since
    the morning was cool and we were taking it pretty
    easy.  First vet check went great and Megan was still
    alive after her first 15miles on our mini-tank;)
    We started off on the second loop again, still with
    Tom, since he was riding easy as well.  The second
    10mile loop was soooo much fun.  Still all sandy
    trail, but they wove through the pines and made it so
    much fun.  Along the trail we picked up a guy from the
    Raleigh area with a new young gelding on it's first
    25mile ride.  Horses drank good this loop.  At one
    point while cantering, Jazz had to remind Tom's horse,
    Charli, that she was a mare and gave him a swift kick
    to the nose.  No harm done though.  About a half mile
    from the finish we were cantering and came upon a
    driveway which had two large brick columns on either
    side.  Jayda thought she'd stop and admire them with
    out warning me first.  I sailed right between her ears
    and did an awesome roll back to my feet with the reins
    still in my hand.  We came into the finish shortly
    after and received our completions.  I was so proud of
    our girls and of my junior Megan who got her first
    AERC miles.
    The next party, errr, ride is the infamous Carolina
    Ride put on my JD Fountain over Thanksgiving weekend. 
    I decided to do my first 50 on Jayda and asked Lucie's
    granddaugther, who is close to 1000 AERC miles, to
    ride Jazz.
    Hope you all enjoyed my little story.  Check out a few
    pictures I have of the ride.  Got a great picture of a
    draft horse that completed the 25.  Also of this
    awesome spotted walker that finished 4th in the LD. 
    See you all at JDs.
    Tim (still looking for a great home and rider for Jayda)
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