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Current to Wed Jul 23 17:37:43 GMT 2003
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    [RC] horse injury - RBle455589

    I have a question for the more experience riders out there, during our last ride Manzanita my daughters horse took a pretty nasty tumble before vet check one but she trotted out soundly and made it all the way through the 50 miles, on the final vet check she was slightly off at the trot, she got her completion and the vet checked her said looked like she has a tendon pulled so he gave her a shot of bute and rapped her leg in a soft cast, said 3 weeks off no riding.
    Upon returning home we followed his instructions, mare seemed fine after a couple of days but to be sure had the vet at home x-ray the leg, the x-ray has shown a sesamoid break in the leg, been told 6 months off minimum and then will x-ray again, she might or might not be able to compete again.
    Has anybody out there had this happened and had the horse return to full competition, I have an 11 year old that is pretty hard broken about this, she's blaming herself and thought we understand that these things can happen I would like to hear from anyone that has had this experience and what the results have been.
    Thank you in advance
    Vivian AERC #M21122
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