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Current to Wed Jul 23 17:33:45 GMT 2003
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    [RC] tagalong novice crew volunteer wanting advice and experience - Charles

    As some of you know, and a few others know why, I have never been to a
    endurance ride.  Right now my horse, and I, are not ready for one.  However,
    I wondered what goes on and how it's done and what happens, etc.  I would
    like to check a ride out to get a feel for what it is like.
    My problem is that I don't want to go to a ride and just wander around, but
    on the other hand, I'm not sure I know enough to be a volunteer, or even
    reliable crew (my gaps of knowledge are the size of the grand canyon on a
    good day, and even bigger on a bad day).
    I know there is a ride coming up in the Maryland area (I live in Germantown,
    MD) and I was wondering if anyone needed or wanted someone to tagalong and
    do gopher stuff (go fer the saddle, hold this, lift that, tote, etc).  That
    way I'm not wandering around like a complete idiot and I can learn some more
    about a ride.  (I figure I've got at least a year ahead of me before I go on
    my first LD, both for my shape, and Jons shape).
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