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Trailer Shopping

I've begun shopping for a new trailer. This will be # 3 for me and my first
gooseneck. I'm looking at aluminum trailers, 3 horse slant most likely with
a large dressing room. I can't afford a finished livingquarters. So far I've
looked at Sundowners, Keiffer, Cherokee. Are there any smaller manufacturers
that make a decent quality trailer that are priced lower than these brands?
I'm in the mid-atlantic area and will have the chance to look at quite a few
brands this weekend at the Maryland Horse Expo. What should I be looking for
in construction? What should I avoid? I don't care if I get a trailer that's
real slick in appearance. I need the most space for my money, access to feed
and water my horses while on a trip, a dressing room that's going to be
easily upgraded later on and a safe, strong triler for my horses. Would love
to hear what other people like about their trailers, what they regret, etc.

Bonnie Snodgrass

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