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Current to Wed Jul 23 17:27:26 GMT 2003
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    Re: [RC] re: 'hazing to trot' and our Rules - Truman Prevatt

    I have always read that to mean on the trail not at the check.


    Teresa Van Hove wrote:

    OK - I've always wondered whether it was strictly legal under the
    existing AERC rules to have someone haze the horse at the vet checks? I'm referring to rule 6.0, section K - see below. Bob Morris, I'd love
    to read your slant on this.

    I guess under this rule being paced or prompted would be ok if done by
    another entrant, or perhaps its considered part of ordinary support
    services? But I think it should have to be another entrant - this would
    really add a neat little wrinkle to a tight race <VEG>


    k. Not having been paced, prompted or aided by an unentered, withdrawn, or otherwise unauthorized equine, vehicle, or a person other than
    another entrant. This does not preclude the ordinary support services
    of attendants or pit crews. A crew may accompany their rider down a
    public road in a support vehicle (unless there is a ride management
    prohibition against it) provided they do not push or haze the equine.

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    Ridecamp is a service of Endurance Net, http://www.endurance.net.
    Information, Policy, Disclaimer: http://www.endurance.net/Ridecamp

    [RC] re: 'hazing to trot' and our Rules, Teresa Van Hove