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Re: Panacur Purge

I did a Panacur purge on my horse late last fall
for the first time in the six years that I have owned him.
The only thing unexpected was that my horse
broke out in welts all over his body beginning
the third day of the purge.  He wasn't a very happy
camper.  The welts disappeared the second day
after the completion of the five day purge.
It turns out they actually *do* warn you about
this.  If there are encysted buggies in the muscle
tissue, they emit an irritant toxin as they begin to die
and the horse's body responds with swelling.
The Panacur also caused a number of bots
that were working their way into the jaw to
do a quick exit, resulting in supprating sores
under the jaw.
On the other hand, it is sobering to realize how much
there really was to kill.  Even 60 day cycles of Ivermectin
and twice-yearly double Strongid paste doses are not
enough to keep a horse in comparatively small turnout
parasite free.
Linda B. Merims
Massachusetts, USAr

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