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Fwd: RC: Re:Ariat boots

 In a message dated 02/27/2001 3:25:13 PM Pacific Standard Time, writes:
 << but has anyone complaining called Ariat?
  I did.  I called the company and asked the customer service representative
  if Ariat has heard any of these comments.  The rep that I spoke with made a
  note to have quailty control look into these comments.  >>
 My experience is that not enough people call companies to report product 
failure.  It is neither necessary, nor productive, to call in anger.  Just 
call and say "I think you might want to know that your product has failed" 
and explain in careful and unexaggerated detail just what has happened.  Any 
good company that wants to stay in business should be happy you took the time 
to do this.  Don't just sit on the sidelines and gripe, do something 
positive.  I've spoken to people in stores about product failure and I am 
often told "We haven't had any complaints about this."  One of two things is 
happening here; either no one has bothered to contact the store about product 
failure, or the person in the store is trying to weasel out of the problem.  
If all else fails, contact the manufacturer.
 Barbara >>

---- Begin included message ----
In a message dated 02/27/2001 3:25:13 PM Pacific Standard Time, writes:

<< but has anyone complaining called Ariat?
 I did.  I called the company and asked the customer service representative
 if Ariat has heard any of these comments.  The rep that I spoke with made a
 note to have quailty control look into these comments.  >>

My experience is that not enough people call companies to report product 
failure.  It is neither necessary, nor productive, to call in anger.  Just 
call and say "I think you might want to know that your product has failed" 
and explain in careful and unexaggerated detail just what has happened.  Any 
good company that wants to stay in business should be happy you took the time 
to do this.  Don't just sit on the sidelines and gripe, do something 
positive.  I've spoken to people in stores about product failure and I am 
often told "We haven't had any complaints about this."  One of two things is 
happening here; either no one has bothered to contact the store about product 
failure, or the person in the store is trying to weasel out of the problem.  
If all else fails, contact the manufacturer.

---- End included message ----

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