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Re: RC: Selenium & Vitamin E Supplements

Hello ,

gen> Kathy Bishop
gen> I am looking for information on amounts of selenium and vitamin E used
gen>  to treat a horse that has  tied up. What are the min and max amounts that can 
gen> can be given on a daily basis?\

I recommend MEGA-SEL for a horse with low Se problems . Get it mail
order Jeffers etc  about $12 qt  double dose for a few days.
May also want to look at a Se test - been discussed much - look in
For general day to day E/Se - I use ABC VitE/Se.

Recent studies indicate the current NRC level - for Se is too little.
It has been suggested that our horses in work need 2 to 3 times the
current level.
I do give at least 2x when working hard.

It has been suggested a higher fat diet will also help. The fat level
I use is  about 7 to 8%. I have come off the higher fat diets that are


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