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Re: Re: Electrolyting

> Newbie questions... I've only done two 25 mile CTR's >so far & do worry
about the electrolyte issue. As for >getting fluids into the horse before
the ride, any >suggestions other than to start e'lyting a couple days >ahead
of it? As for e'lyting during the ride - how often & >how small the doses?

Well, for logistical and timing reasons, the data we've analyzed has all
been in horses in the West region, not from the SE where you are.  So I
think it would be extremely valuable for you to ask some of the successful
riders and the vets in the SE what specific suggestions they have.  And by
successful riders, I mean those that have alot of miles and high completion
rate somewhere in the front half of the pack, not necessarily those that
just started racing this year and have just been lucky so far.  Ask Jim
Holland, Angie, Truman, Sue Kasemeyer, Nina and Duane Barnett, people like
that that know how to handle the heat and humidity of the SE.

Having said that, what I suggest to people is that they put about 2 ounces
of electrolyte in a 60 cc syringe, mixed with applesauce and a piece of tape
over the tip so it doesn't dribble, and e'lyte with that starting two hours
before the ride and every hour or so throughout the ride and for several
hours after the finish.  (You should also elyte for a couple days ahead of
time while trailering to encourage them to drink as well).  I know it's a
pain to have to syringe that often, but that protocol seems to work really
well.  It's the schedule that's used by a lot of horses that all do well on
it, but specifically on a couple of very high mileage/winning/BC horses, as
well as another that races at FEI level and top tenned Tevis with overall
probably the best metabolic profile of any horse in the race.  So you might
give it a try.  In talking to alot of riders, and in comparing the chem
panels of horses syringed different ways, I'm pretty convinced 1-2 oz per
hour, as opposed to larger doses once or twice, is the way to go.

As Maggie suggested (and thanks for the nice post, Maggie), you can take a
look at a series of articles on my website that talk about metabolic pulls
and specifically hydration.  They have some other suggestions with a better
explanation than I could reproduce here.  The website is at

Good luck. :-))

Susan G

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