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Re: RC: Silver State 2001
At 08:36 AM 11/27/01 -0600, Lisa LeChatton wrote:
>Karen didn't identify the horse that looked lame and looks can be
>deceiving. What if that horse was a "weaver"? The horse would have looked
>like it was lame but it was just weaving in place. Its sad when people
>post such negative information and they don't know the whole story.
I don't know if you are talking about me not knowing the whole story or
not. I have a pretty good idea on whether or not a horse is weaving, has
as gait aberration or is bobbing it's head up and down. After finishing
the horse was standing with all four feet together, shifting weight around
because it was hurting so. Head was down, the horse was in obvious
pain. It wasn't eating. It wasn't doing what 'normal' endurance horses
do, barefoot or not. I don't want people reading deceptive emails on the
internet and thinking it's okay to start riding endurance on 50 mile rocky
rides and having us end up with a lot of hurt horses. That is the negative
information that is dangerous.
in NV
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