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Re: Brewers Yeast

Truman wrote:
We tried that on the mare I used to ride a.k.a. the Hell Bitch - which I think says it all. We tried several different combinations with absolutely no success. The stronger she got the hotter the fire.  At least in her case behavior seemed to be more personality realted than anything else and a few oz of B vitimains was not going to make much difference.
Interesting name you have for your horse....mine is currently known as High Lord of Hell, or Satan's Spawn.  I'm also toying with Rosemary's Baby.
What I found interesting is that I once tried B-Karm on Toccy and he became worse.  Completely flipped him out, to the point where he spooked one day at his own shadow and reared up with me.  Took him off it, left him to come down for two weeks and he was fine (well, in Toccy terms anyway)
I have discussed it with my vet, who said that he has heard of a few rare cases of horses who get like this on Vitamin B.  Mine (natch!) seems to be one of them.
And yet Red Cell, which is usually Rocket Fuel for Horses, has absolutely no affect on his temperament.....mind-boggling!

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