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Re: Re: Re: What about blankets when trailering?

I live in the Seattle area and use a blanket for just that reason.  Any
rainstorm here can quitely freeze as fast as weather changes around here.
Nothing like finding a wet horse that now has a sheet of ice on him from a
rainstorm and dropping temperatures.  I know a lot of people here are
anti-blanket, but I like my blanket.  It keeps him clean to ride so getting
out of the barn goes much faster, and my blanket is waterproof and good for
a very wide range of temperatures so that I don't have to run home and take
it off if it begins to warm up a bit outside.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Heidi Smith" <>
To: "Karen Sullivan" <>; "Kris Givens" <>
Cc: <>
Sent: Thursday, October 25, 2001 9:43 AM
Subject: RC: Re: Re: What about blankets when trailering?

> My biggest concern re blankets is WET horses with no way to get out of it.
> Our horses are quite comfy in their own fluffy hair at -40F, given plenty
> good food (and that IS a time where alfalfa is nice), and if anything,
> blankets mash down the hair and make them colder.  Same for trailering in
> the cold.  But if they are WET (say, 33F and raining), their hair gets
> flattened and is no longer a good insulation layer.  I'd be far more apt
> blanket in, say, Seattle, than in an eastern Montana blizzard...
> Heidi

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