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Help:horse down part 2!
Hi all
Vet just left---- NO SHOT!!! Head wound looks great--- just keeping him
on SMZ's now---- it was Baytril---NOT daquill (no coughs) that he was
on. IV Catheter removed and we're giving him 2G bute day and night. Vet
thinks the original thing that laid him down is gone but now we are
fighting muscle soreness from being down so long. Any suggestions? We're
going to put lots of shavings under him to minimize pressure sores but
not sure how to help him regain strength in his back legs after being
down since Sat night or Sunday morning.
He is still playing with me with his lips--- this 2 year old has so much
heart (like his daddy) that he is an inspiration to me. He looks just
like his sire (who you might remember I had to put down earlier this
year)---- just don't want to go through it again--- a real deja vu!
Thanks for all the kind words and all suggestions (no matter how
seemingly silly) will be considered and appreciated (this from a women
who believes in animal communication and talks to them regularly and has
been giving back messages to him and now progesterone cream for myelin
sheath(sp?) repair so how silly can you get!)
Hug your horse today
Bette Lamore
Whispering Oaks Arabians, Home of 16.2hh TLA Halynov
(Yes, really 16.2!)
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