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Very Important Question about bean juice
Carla Lawson robcarla@hotmail.com
The absolute easy and best way for coffee on rides is go to the local
supermarket, Buy the instant stuff and eat that right out of the jar.
Think warm happy thoughts.....there you go coffee. But will tell you why I
don't drink my brothers coffee.
with clean coffee pot he will add four tablespoons of coffee and
perk. when that is empty he just adds more grounds and water. Until the
filter is completely filled up with grounds does he clean the filter
holder. This is some nasty *##*##*
absolute best place to get REAL coffee. Exit 36 truck stop off
I-40 in Baileyton Tn. The story behind this I was up for a solid 36 hours
after completeing a horse show in VA. Was hauling two horses in a tag
along.I had followed my trainer till her turn off. Dead tired was 10 miles
from home. Couldn't hold my eyes open any longer. Stopped in to call my
dad it was 5:20 in the morning. Called him to tell him I was almost home.
(he was up milking cows) I told him Dad if I don't make it in 35 minutes
come looking for me. He said stay put My brother and mom would be there in
a few minutes. Drink some coffee until someone gets there. No prob. I
collapsed into a chair. Truck Drivers kind of staring at the young 19 year
old looking worse for wear. Waitress brings me some coffee. I could not
get to sleep till 3pm that evening I was sooo wired!!!when I did crash I
was sicker than a dog.
Some day I will tell you about the Little Debbie Truck.
carla (you'd quit shaking like that if you would have a cup of columbian
mule picked bean juice)
Ansata (mmmm.....scary story.. her driving a tag along!)
Haley (I can't go 6 hours...with out a nap...ZZZZZZZ)
Rob (she isn't lying I have eaten there!)
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