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My dog goes about everywhere with me and I would not go to a ride that I
could not bring her. I am usually, almost always, alone and my dog is a
very good traveling companion and causes no trouble. I would however be
very happy if all ride managers would make it a rule that ALL DOGS must be
leashed at all times anywhere near camp.
People who have loose dogs are very inconsiderate in my opinion. At Bryce
someone's loose dog got into our bag of garbage and scattered it around
our camp and we were only gone about 10 minutes! Then before the ride,
two dogs were breeding right in camp, now tell me who would bring a dog in
heat? I am sorry for those of you who think this is not an endurance
problem but here in my country, at the rides that I go to, it is an
endurance problem. I just hate ride meetings where there are 10 loose
dogs sniffing, growling or bumbing into people who are trying to listen,
not pet dogs!
I definitely would not want to stop dogs from coming to rides but please
let's keep them on leash at all times near camp!
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