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Re: RC: Re: Re: Spooking / Vision Problems

--- wrote:

>     I have always believed that not enough research
> has been done into equine 
> vision problems, particularly Nearsightedness. 

Our old Appaloosa wouldn't spook until moments before
we'd pass something - long after I thought he had seen
& accepted an object.  After lots of training and
miles, it just didn't get any better.  I KNEW
something was wrong when we were upwind of a bear and
he was unphased.  Surely he saw it, didn't he?  

We took a trip to the nearest vet school.  He was
EXTREMELY nearsighted.  They offered to attempt
correction using presciption goggles, but we opted to
find a pleasure/show home for him where he could make
circles in a graded, smooth arena. 
He paired up with a young girl as a 4H project & lived
a very full life into his late 20's.  He fared much
better in an arena than on the endurance trail.

Linda Flemmer
Blue Wolf Ranch
West Virginia

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