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Lynette wrote:
it makes me very angry that some Arab people think this is a reason to
celebrate. That is sick, no matter what  their lives are like or who they
think is to blame for their situation.

Do you understand that yet?

My reply:
I think a clear understanding of the more likely reason why most of those
people were out there "celebrating" would be in order.  I'm betting that
many, many of the "celebrants" had no option, that if they didn't
"celebrate" they'd be in heaps of trouble.  That they'd be reported - even
by their own neighbors - they'd mysteriously disappear in the night, be
stoned in public - they'd be found out and suffer terribly.  Walk a mile in
*those* moccasins before you condemn.

Look at how angry people have gotten even on this list - on a horse list fer
cryin' out loud! - when some of us voice opinions that aren't "endurance PC"
(think *limited distance*).  How easy it is to voice an opinion that is
popular!  But what if voicing an opinion could get you killed?  How eager
should anyone be to speak out under those circumstances?  I most definitely
can understand that.

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