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Re: coronet scar and horizontal crack

Thanks to all who responded...

The concensus was right on with what my vet said:  the injury has resulted
in a poorly formed scar that has abscess pockets, and it will be quite
uncertain whether I could keep the horse sound & the infection out.  Vet
said every time the scar gets dirty and bacteria works it's way in, it's
going to re-infect.  I also ride in rocky granite and volcanic areas, and
the scar would be quite susceptible to injury from scraping.  A bar shoe
would be the first step to making this horse sound, but it may not prevent a
quarter crack or deeper infection once the horse starts a working career &
the hoof gets stressed.  There are no simple solutions for this horse, the
injury is too complicated and large for a graft to be a good solution, and
re-scarring it would likely be unsuccessful.  The vet said if this injury
had been properly treated when it happened, it would likely have healed up
just fine.

Thanks again -

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