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Re: RC: Conflict of Interest

In a message dated Fri, 10 Aug 2001 12:50:11 AM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

> At every World Championship and Pan Am that I have attended and/or crewed,   
> the teams wore uniforms. I think they were mostly donated but they   
> definitely wore uniforms. Actually we, as official crew, were given T-shirts   
> that had to be worn to identify us.  

Yes, most teams and crews DO wear uniforms, but that is not mandated by FEI.  It is a matter of team choice, and has the advantages of being a morale booster, making a team statement, and making team members and crew members easier to spot.  All that is mandated in the rules is a conservative dress code--conservative riding tights or breeches, safe footwear (there is a heel specification), a shirt with a collar (plain polo shirt will do), and a helmet.  As I recall, there is also something in the rules about not wearing advertising.  That is a pretty broad and reasonable dress code, and leaves plenty of leeway for teams wearing uniform clothing, or not, depending on what they choose to do.


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