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Hi Jennifer - I just removed the horn from my SS a week or so ago (btw, horn is aluminum). Been thinking about it for a few years, but finally just went ahead and did it. I was nervous about it too, but my saddle was already several years old, yours is new? I would worry about that too, a Saare is more $$$ than an SS. But, if you're going to keep it, then do what makes you feel comfortable. I'll miss it for hanging the bridle on, my water bottle, etc. Now I have a rope keeper strap with nothing to attach it to... Oh well, just improvise with snaps, etc. I have other saddles with horns, should I need one. I wrapped the pommel area with Sealtex, the stuff is waterproof and lasts forever. Plus it almost looks like rawhide from a distance! I don't regret removing it as it was too high for climbing and always "hooked" me. Good luck - Cheryl in WNY Horse kids Kit, Bobby & Dani - >Has anybody ever had the horn removed from their saddle? > >I bought a new Sharon Saare several months ago.
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