Well.. chickens.. maybe.. maybe not.
Other people I know that have the problem this year don't
have any chickens
(but every one has barn swallws) and the mite problem DOES
show up when
they migrate back here in the spring... but I didn't keep
close enough track to be sure.
All I know is that 2 or 3 years ago, all over the East
coast, horses started having this
mane mite problem. I'd never seen it before that time
2 years aso, horses at the Univ. of N.H. and Mass. had
a hugh problem year (and they
don't house chickens any where on the horse properties... at
least I
didn't see any when I was there). That's where I got the tip
on Quest.
Quest will work, so I guess that's my only option
(it's less messy than smothering the
little buggers with some sort of ointment..) The gelding got
the treatment tonite.
Mare's mane is unaffected... no mites..