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Re: Daily Strongid (and spuds)

> Oh my gosh!  Susan THANK YOU!!  You have no idea how many events in my
> life this explains clearly now!  >g< If I stop eating them will I get a
> discount on my auto insurance?

No, but I hear if you serve them to someone in your home who then goes out
and just creamed by a delivery truck, you can be held as an accesory to
murder. <g>

> O.K. now...seriously. You've got to give me credit for being a *little*
> more discerning in what info I take seriously.  As I recall...and it's

Oh, I knew that.  Just couldn't resist.

> been several years, the way I heard it (this was definately hearsay, I
> wasn't there) vets had considered the symptoms pretty strange, and I
> think they were the ones who when questioning at length ran across the
> odd coincidence that daily Strongid seemed to be something the
> mysteriously crashing horses all had in common.

Truman was telling me yesterday that a vet in the SE feels the same way.
Since Jon is the first specific and qualified vet source I've heard of that
felt there was a connection, I'm alot more prone to believe it.

 I expected you to be the person
> that had to come up with real answers or I would never have brought it
> up. >g<

Don't ask me, I couldn't come up with a mechanism if my life depended on it.
I'll stick to trying to figure out bioenergetics.

> Angie (who comes from a long line of tater farmers)


Susan G

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