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In a message dated 3/27/01 6:04:11 AM Eastern Standard Time, 

<< Its not so much about the UAE $$ as it is our own inner conflict/struggle. 

Actually, I think the money has a lot to do with the problems some riders 
associate with UAE.  It kind of reminds me of how revenues from television 
affect football games.  Ever sit in the stands at a game and wonder why all 
the players are standing around, not playing, and nobody has called a time 
out?  TV commercial breaks.

There is not a clear answer here.  One of the things that does surprise me is 
that most of the riders who do go over there and participate say nothing but 
good things about the Sheiks, Nina especially.  So, maybe, those of us who 
don't go over there (I hate to fly myself) don't have the full picture, or 
those that do go over just had such a great time they can't bring themselves 
to say anything negative about their hosts, who shelled out quite a bit of 
Sand Dollars to bring them over.

As usual, I'm confused, but I still think my point of selling them our best 
stock holds water.  There is a finite number to exceptional endurance horses, 
and if I had the money, sure I'd love to buy one that's fully trained and top 
tens at that level.  Instead I go to horse auctions and try and train a nag 
for 3 to 5 years with the pleasant thought that I only paid 500 bucks for my 
horse and, maybe, saved his/her life.

Because of the money spent on American and other foreign endurance horses, 
the brokers who make a damn good annual salary from them, and people like 
Tom, who is well compensated, I do think money is an issue here.  To me, it's 
like Bill Gates, when he found out he couldn't get season tickets to the 
Seattle Seahawks games.  Damn, if he didn't just go out and buy the team and, 
now, has the best seat in the house.

Howard  (only in America, can we have discussions such as this)

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