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The Way We Change The Pay Scale for Endurance

Ooops. One more thing.  One part of the UK plan that Mathew left off
(unless I missed it)  is one that I think he might like best.  A horse is
not allowed to RACE *until* he has met "Gold" level criteria.  That might
encourage a few more people to get their foundation on there.  However,
you have to complete "Bronze" at those speeds *before* you move up to
Silver (I don't think they get to start out with 50's either), then Gold.
 I think it would be a real bummer to have a horse with a natural 8mph
trot that you had to pull down to Bronze speed.  Also, for those of us
who when we started preferred to do most of our improving at home and not
go to so many competitions we wouldn't be able to progress until we'd
done the competitions at the lower speeds.  Maybe he did leave this out
for good reason. >g<

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