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About Tom.. to Susan

Your following paragraph made me laugh (but not at you.. I'm agreeing )
You're soooo right-on.. although *some* people think he's the devil.
And he IS a race track guy.
I also think the sport of endurance, is going to be divided into 2
groups (with or without Tom): racing and non-racing.... and they don't call racing the
"sport of kings" for nothin'!  ($$$)
These 80-100 mile races are Extreme Sport. Very different from
the past.
Susan wrote:
And - shudder - heresy - burn the witch at the stake....
Tom Ivers is NOT God!  He's an brilliant innovator, an experimenter,
a wealth of knowledge - but he's a race track guy, not
an experienced endurance competitor.  Yes, we all learn
an INCREDIBLE amount from him, and I'm hooked on it too.
He's feeding us an incredible amount of knowledge of
sports physiology and we all lap it up like the "GOT MILK"
commercial.  But we have to take all of this knowledge
and translate it to the context of our sport. The
biochemistry is different for a flat track race vs. endurance.

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