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Re: Furacine sweats

> >The way I learned to do these was to mix DMSO and Furacin, massage it
> >the leg (using rubber gloves of course!), wrap in plastic wrap, then put
> >bandage over it (I use a polo wrap as it keeps the leg warm).  Is this
> >y'all do leg sweats in vet school?  For what problems are sweats
> Aiee! That can be an excellent way to blister a horse.  I'd be very
> cautious about  using DMSO + anything under plastic.
> The TB trainer I worked for as a kid used a sweat that was primarily
> glycerine (I've got the recipe around somewhere.)
>                        --CMNewell, DVM

That's what they're telling us in class, too---watch out for DMSO blistering
the leg.  Been there, done that, felt like a jerk.  The sweat I saw put onto
a swollen leg last night (at 3 a.m., yawn) just got some furacin, some
plastic (a torn open rectal sleeve in this case), then cotton, gauze and vet

Susan G

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