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Re: Schrieners

Rhonda wrote "
Have you ever gotten this in your own wounds?  I did once.  This stuff
worse than anything I have ever experienced!!  My horse would jump around
every time I tried to spray this on his wound.  I couldn't imagine why until
I accidentally got some in a tiny cut on my hand.  Now, I cannot imagine how
my horse stood there as quietly as he did when I sprayed this on him."

I have to agree with Rhonda , I have exzema on my hands and one day was
putting Schriener's on a horse and spilled some on my hands , I thought they
were on fire and it took an hour running my hands under cold water for them
to quit stinging . I would never again put it on an animal reminded
me of the old KRS spray that everyone used to use .
                                                        Drin Becker
                                                        Mtn. Region

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