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Fwd: RC: Re: RC:Cranky posts-Suffering

In a message dated 3/12/01 7:48:36 AM Pacific Standard Time, writes:

>>Has anyone noticed that the last couple of threads have involved
VERYcranky replies and flaming has been on the upswing? Don't you think we
areall suffering from a lack of riding- friendly- weather?<<

Hi, I think it is time for "all" of us on RC to go back and read the "Ride
Camp Oath"
It does seem that on some posts there is nothing but flaming going on.  Who
wants to read that?  Not me,  I read RC to learn and yes we all are intitled
to our own opinion but as the "Oath" says, and I quote
"I promise not to talk condescendingly to another ridecampers as if I am the
authority on all matters, since obviously the "authorities on all matters"
prefer to lurk, and by posting in the first place I am admitting ignorance"

Isn't it time to start using RC as it was meant to be, a useful tool and not
to air our "crankness"

Everyone, go to EnduranceNet and read the Ridecamp Oath, then go outside and
ride, clear the cobwebs out and when you are feeling better, get back on RC
and do some good


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In a message dated 3/12/01 3:02:56 AM Pacific Standard Time,

>>Has anyone noticed that the last couple of threads have involved
VERYcranky replies and flaming has been on the upswing? Don't you think we
areall suffering from a lack of riding- friendly- weather?<<

      I really don't feel this is the case.  Most people that write on
Ridecamp have an opinion either a positive one or a negative one.  Either
opinion can be useful.  You can learn from both perspectives.  I have noticed
that if someone writes a negative one that it has been labeled rude, grouchy,
and/or replied back in the same manner.  The positive ones are replied back
with a simple comment like Great, I agree, or some other positive reply.  
With the later kind of replies, you can't help but think, Yippee! I made it
without getting Flamed!
      I feel that readers need to let people have opinions either way.  It's
all for learning and it makes room for improvement in some way.
      Most (and there is a bunch!) readers never comment because of the fear
of flaming.  I feel this is sad, and we are missing out on a lot of useful
information one way or another.
      I wish readers would come out of the closet and join in and others
would let them have their say without this feeling to "set-them-in-line."  We
all could learn more by just reading and taking in what you want from it.
      I have riders right here on our ranch that I've asked to comment back
on something that they have read...they say "Are you Kidding, I don't want to
write anything on Ridecamp, I'll just stay lurking, Thank You!"  Are we
missing out because of this?

Tammy Robinson
Trail-Rite Ranch & Products
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