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Re: Fw: RC: endurance prospect, etc.

How is it true of these sports?  This is what I'm talking about -- if I was
running in the front of a ride with another rider, and because I can't beat
him out on the trail, am faced with whether or not I am going to race at
the finish line, I'll probably lose that ride.  Most people that are going
for the win, are also willing to race at the end to get it.  And because I
am not willing to race to finish line, I lose the ride.  Does that mean
that the winning team was better than me and my horse that day?  No.  It
means that we'll never know -- because I didn't race to the finish.  The
win went to the rider who was willing to race.  How does this apply to
sports like dressage or jumping?  They are all performing the same test
(someone isn't going to ask her horse to do some amazing maneuver at the
end to score extra points, in dressage; or going to jump a few more jumps
at the end of a course to show how good her horse is, in jumping).  And be
careful not to glorify BC too much.  While it is an excellent award and
goal to achieve, it is based on the opinions of (educated) people who are
seeing your horse for an incredibly short amount of time (in the scheme of
things).  I'd rather go into a competition knowing that I have a legitimate
chance of winning, not because I'm willing to "race at the end", but
instead, because my horse and I are the best team there on that day.  Am I
putting down endurance riding?  I hope not -- I have a true passion and
love for this sport.  These are just some things I've been thinking about

> From: Alison Farrin <>
> To: 'Whitney Bass' <>;
> Subject: RE: Fw: RC:  endurance prospect, etc.
> Date: Sunday, February 06, 2000 5:22 PM
> But that is true of Three day eventing and dressage and steeplechasing
> (god knows) the show ring.  Just where are you planning to compete that
> isn't the case?  At least in endurance, you can compete for BC, where
> of the team IS the most importanct part!
> Alison Farrin
> Innovative Pension Strategy & Design
> 858-451-9594 x 107
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Whitney Bass []
> >
> >
> > ----------
> > My only point in writing that post, Tom, was
> > to say that
> > > because the winner of most rides is determined ultimately by the
> > > competitiveness of the rider, instead of the skill of the team, I am
> > > considering changing disciplines.  I've known all along
> > that endurance
> > > riding was to going to grow and head in the direction it is
> > today -- just
> > > because I don't want to see it, doesn't make me ignorant or
> > superior.
> >

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