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Re: RC: RE: 5 Reasons Why I Can't Go To Reno

One problem is convention space needs to be reserved most often five years
in advance. Space for one the size of the AERC Convention gets short shrift
because it is not large enough for the big cheaper places and it is to big
for the smaller ones.

Convention space planning is a specialized job that no one appreciates. It
is not just "we decide now for next year".

Bob Morris
Been there done that
I just have to say that I go to a great many trade shows and conventions every year.  AERC Convention is one of the highest priced and poorly managed ones I go to.

I have made suggestions over the years and they have fallen on deaf ears. For instance...anyone get Equus Magazine? Western Horseman?  Two of the BIGGEST and most widely distributed equine publications in the world.  NO WHERE in EITHER of them is even MENTIONED the AERC Convention.  Yet, Equine Affaire has FULL PAGE ads in BOTH.  I pay about 1/2 the price for Equine Affaire for MORE space and they draw in over 50,000 people.

Where is the advertising for the Convention?  This has been promised for YEARS.  This is the BEST place to introduce new people to the sport.. It has GOOD seminars and an ever expanding trade show which is specific to trail riders.  There are MORE trail riders in the US than ANY other type of equine activity. (AHC stats).

Equine Affaire draws their attendance from all over the US and several foreign countries.  And AERC gets Linda Tellington-Jones who is seen at almost ALL the major trade shows?  Why are we duplicated what others already do better?  Why aren't we attracting more specific speakers to our sport?  Sure, there are some, but when the USET Farrier for WEC 2000 is bumped for LTJ, something, IMO, is wrong.

The office has a tremendous job to do, but they cannot be good at ALL of it. Why not hire a PROFESSIONAL do manage the trade show?  Kansas Horse Council did because they did not have the experience to do a trade show and in just two years they tripled their attendance!!!

And, while we are at it, what became of the mandatory $5.00 donation?  Kinda of a moot point?  After all, what plan is there for trails?  Not ONE mention in the latest Endurance News and we are, on top of that, losing a very capable trail committee chairperson.

Okay, you've all heard me opinions before.  I CAN be VERY positive, but first give me something to be positive about.  The Convention is NOT profitable for me, never has been, but it is a great place to see faces you only talk to on the phone or read about.  It is a great place to talk face to face and it is a fun (if not LONG) trip to the west (my ONLY vacation).  I love it, I'll probably always go, but I sure would like to see it become more beneficial to ALL....

Teddy Lancaster
American Endurance Ride Conference # 139422
- Member since 1974
6000+ career miles

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