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I am wondering if anyone can recommend a poultice to use after a ride.  This
may be one of those topics that is controversial. I remember an ice boot
discussion whereby some folks felt that if a horse was conditioned and
ridden properly, ice boots should not be needed.  Well, the way I figure it,
at the moment, I only have one horse (out of four I own) that I can use for
distance riding.  If something happens to this one, I am out of luck for a
while, unless I win a lottery or something.  So, I feel that preventive
measures are in order for my horse, and I'm thinking of using a poultice on
the legs after a ride.  (Just looking for some product names or key
ingredients, not trying to instigate a debate on the pros and cons of using
a poultice).  Thanks in advance- my past queries have always yielded lots of
valuable responses).

Central CA 

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