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Re: Arabians and Quarabs for sale

Oh my gosh, Sandy. Life has not be kind to you lately! Please let us know how your tests go. I will be praying for you and your family.
Lynette Helgeson
Thank you for spearheading this - I have not been on any list regularly for a
while since our family is dealing with the impending loss of our dad from
lymphoma - and in the meantime, our 15 year old daughter looks to be facing
arthro knee surgery, AND - sigh! - I am in the middle of tests for uterine
cancer - enough to keep us busy. When I heard about Cindy, I had to go find
my daughters and hold them for a while. While I have no fear of dying, it is
acutely painful to even Think of not seeing my family again until we all join
in heaven. Their pain would be foremost on my mind as well.

Please send our condolences to Cindy's family - I would appreciate it!

Always yours, forever His,

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