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Re: RE: riding distances

<You ask is it the horse or rider? I say that it is the horse AND rider! It
is the team of horse, rider, farrier, the vet and the desire of them all to
work together.>
This is why I am in endurance....for the T.E.A.M. aspect (which applies if
you ride solo or with a partner because even solo you are with your HORSE!).
I read something somewhere I worked before with the above anagram.  Together
Everyone Achieves, rider (maybe a buddy horse and rider), crew,
vets, farrier, you name's when people start looking at the big
picture that I think they will get the greatest satisfaction out of this
sport.  I didn't think the playing field was level at first but then I
noticed that it's not always the people with the $70,000 rigs that place
(heck, sometimes they don't even finish!).  Sometimes it's the folks like
us, too, with the old, rusty Ford truck and an adequate but definitely not
fancy trailer that makes it...I think it was Wendy Merendini who told me she
thinks she has the worst rig in her region (I think I can challenge that
though) and she IS competing nationally and internationally and she, too,
told me that anyone can compete internationally.  You might need to learn
what you are doing, establish some strategy and find resolve and commitment
you are not sure you have, but I believe her and you, too, Bob.  So, watch
out just might see Maggie and Malik motoring down that trail
(maybe even passing you!) at the Pan Ams or the WEC someday!  :)

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