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change of subject

Morning, Sandy,

You said:
>2-I still think endurance should not be in the Olympics..did you all see
>some of the coverage in Sydney of the cross country??? They showed a little
>bit of horses successfully making it over jumps...but then they showed one
>MAJOR wreck after another...made me sick...If you didn't know any better
>would think half the horses had major, horrible wrecks.  The coverage of
>endurance would be horrendous at best...if there is only ONE horse being
>treated will be featured.>

What is at fault here is the media, not the sport.  I'd hate to see the day
when the olympics no longer featured eventing, but if your reasoning were to
apply, it should also not be there.  I'd love endurance to be an olympic
sport for the same reason.

Bear in mind, these are the same kind of guys who like to show car wrecks
with dead English princesses inside them.

Take care,

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