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Dear Susan or anyone that may know:
I am just curious . . . would ground up flaxseed be a good fat source 
alternative for endurance horses compared to rice bran or oils? I know that 
flaxseed offers a great many benefits for humans. To my understanding it is 
more like a legume? Are there any studies that have been done in horses to 
show if flaxseed would be beneficial over processed oils or rice bran? I 
don't particularly like the idea of giving processed oils to my endurance 
horses + they absolutely hate it. Flaxseed is not too expensive if bought in 
bulk at the feedstore. I would be willing to grind it everyday, and make a 
grain mash with (Complete Advantage). This they do love!!!! I am just not 
sure how much to give. How much for instance would I want to give to a hard 
working horse that was a hard keeper ? Or a horse that just needs to gain 
weight? Any thoughts or suggestions is greatly appreciated.

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