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Re: RC: RE: Re: $$$$$

 >It would not surprise me if, from that experience alone, 
> the > emiratis conclude that the western world is a huge pack of whores
> and all > that is to be negotiated is the price.

There's quite a few of us who've held onto our virginity. 

> If your political agenda is against money, against competition--then >
you're > in a different sport. 

Tom, a while back there was a post, by Kat I believe, where she made her
case to you that some of us are in much "longer races" than others. My
goal is to build a horse from scratch, delay my gratification till he has
a proper foundation, pace him correctly, and competed him in or around
the top 10 for 4,000 miles. Does that mean I'm not as competitive as the
person who pays $20,000 to what you call a "whore" who pushed a horse too
hard too soon to make a quick profit. Then after buying it, went out and
won a race a week later?

Angie and Kaboot
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