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Help with Heartrate Monitor

I am looking for help with a heartrate monitor.  Any suggestions would be great.

I am using the band type monitor.  I have purchased the belt to fit my horse but I have been unsuccesful in obtaining a consistent reading.   Things I have already tried are 1) lubricating the electrodes to create a better contact 2) holding the watch close consistently to the electrodes 3) checking to see that all equipment functions by putting the monitor on myself (with the human size belt) and saw that it worked correctly, 4)moved to different locations and 5) verified that the horse does indeed have a heartbeat.

So, if someone could let me know where they are placing the bands and any techniques that I could use to get a reliable reading please let me know.  Preferably private email since I sometimes miss the digest version.

Passion (are you moving that belt again!!!)

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