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Fwd: RC: Horse abusers need to be stopped

In a message dated 6/30/00 2:30:25 PM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

<< n.Back to back weekend racing on his young horse was the norm. 
 All the vets were aware of him, yet could not stop him. Riders were
 aware of what he did but again could not stop him. Ride managers could
 do nothing within the guidelines of the AERC. I have talked to many riders 
 have witnessed him whipping his tired horse to go faster. I have seen
 hi >>

I am sorry but this is bull------------------------Vets could have pulled 
him, RM. could have said NO, riders could have turned him in!!!!!!  If we 
take this attitude our sport will go a hand basket.  I'm 
pretty sure I know the rider and yes, he does ride his horse into the ground. 
 What is wrong with everybody?  Are we afraid of hurting someone's feelings 
by not saying anything?  Excuse me but to "heck" with the rider, and even so 
called rules, If a horse is being abused it can be stopped!!!  Has anyone 
ever taken away the keys of a drinking friend?  Same thing, take away the 
horse from an abusive rider.  Do you think the rider would have anyone stick 
up for him if he complained?????
When I read this it made me sick!  This rider should be banned from all rides 
forever and banned from owning horses!!  AERC should pull his file and burn 
it!  I'm surprised that he has the guts to even ride after what happened at 
Tevis one year.  I was there and yes the vets did pull him!!  He has done 
this time and time again.  Maybe now it will stop for him at least and 
hopefully other abusive riders.  We have to take a stand and stop this.
These horses are our friends, companions, soul mates, family and so much more 
that if anyone sees them being abused on a ride or anywhere do something, 
don't just turn your head the other way!!!!  You wouldn't if you saw a person 
abusing a child, this is no different!!!!!

I think if AERC printed his name in big letters in EN, not saying anything, 
just his name, like the Scarlet Letter, he might just take a hint and 
disappear.  I don't know how he can look in the mirror or even how any of his 
so called friends can even admit that they know him.  How about his family, 
they have to know how he is.

Well I said enough.  Lets all of us take a stand and Not let this happen 
again with him or anyone!!!!!!


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patrick mcdonald
Well it finally happened. The same guy who consistently rides his
horse to win every week has finally done it. His horse died at the
Oakland Hills ride. WE cannot say we did not see it coming. This rider
treats his horse I suppose like the motorcycles he use to race. He
has one goal and that is to win at any cost. His rides usually end
with his horse hooked up to IV and or lame. An occasional Win drives his ego
on.Back to back weekend racing on his young horse was the norm. 
All the vets were aware of him, yet could not stop him. Riders were
aware of what he did but again could not stop him. Ride managers could
do nothing within the guidelines of the AERC. I have talked to many riders who
have witnessed him whipping his tired horse to go faster. I have seen
him pulled at TEVIS, only to argue with the vets and then leave his
horse tied in the boiling sun with his head hanging,(no water) while
his crew tended to his every need.
Something needs to change folks. Possibly keeping records on treated
horses? Vet comments regarding overriding sent to AERC? Riders that
witness this behavior to document it? Think about it.

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