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Re: RC: Question about rules and respect on ride

At 08:02 PM 05/25/2000 -0400, wrote:
>Or decide which is
>the most important to YOU, placing one position higher in the ride or your
>conscience, knowing you were courteous to fellow riders.

And if I'm at the ride, ask do you want to have what you are doing 
photographed and put on the internet for the world to see. <VBG>

In recent months I have witnessed several rude/obnoxious things, here are a 

rider cutting trail (I actually did take pictures and put them up, but 
nobody noticed)
rider galloping thru mud puddle on trail while another horse is (was) drinking
rider galloping off when the rider in front of her got off to open a gate
riders watching (not saying anything) while somebody ahead of them went the 
wrong way
riders throwing wet sponges in water troughs while horses are drinking
riders scooping water on their horses out of springs and water sources 
where it is expressly prohibited
riders tailgaiting and repeatedly running into the horse in front of them
riders passing and getting in front and then stopping or getting stuck cuz 
their horse is unable to negotiate the terrain at that speed
riders passing where it is not safe because they have no control (so just 
mow everybody over)

Those are just a few things that are fairly common, and in nearly all 
instances the people doing those things have more experience than I do!!!

Of course, I've seen far more NICE things that riders do as well.  Too 
numerous to mention, but most people are nice and courteous.  :*)

Happy Trails,

in NV
& Rocky, 2,665 miles
& Weaver, 3,255 miles

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