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Re: RE: Re: Re: Stallions in endurance

----- Original Message -----
From: Kathy Mayeda <>
>>> It's just the statistics published are not proving much to me since
these > are progenitors of many other horses that are used for other uses
besides > endurance.

Exactly, the statistics as published don't prove anything at all, except
specifically what was posted.  "the number of occurrences of each of the
listed horses in the five generation pedigree of AHR AERC 2000+ mile
horses." (again, Kudos to Selim and Bob for their effort)

What we need now is continue to move forward and compare their data against
the general population of AHR Arabs in N.American, and, I think, would be
interesting to see if there is a difference if you looked into low mileage
horses, for example, under 1000 miles, and has been inactive for 3?5 years.

>>>I would rather work from the other end and see which stallions > are
throwing winning get, rather than the stallion's ancestors,

This could be a very valid and interesting part of the study, but those
stallions have ancestors, who are they, and what about the mares...  many
people believe the mares have more influence on the progeny than the
stallion does.

>>>because the > genetic pool is much more generic the further back into the
pedigree you go.

Heidi already addressed this much better than I could.
But I will support her, with the limited amount of research I have done.
just for example; How many of you know that the popular Egyptians *FADL and
*NASR were closely related? (*NASR's sire was *FADL's grandsire; *NASR's dam
was *FADL's g-granddam) (That tightens up a *lot* of pedigrees <G>)

Becky Huffman
Huffman's Arabians ~ The Original Series ~

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