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Re: head tossing

I would like to put the following forward to contribute to this discussion:

I have an Arab (Saffy) who, when i first got her last April, tossed her head
so high she would come close to hitting me in the face!!  I did some
research  to find out what I could do about this, and mechanical tie down
apparatuses (sp?) never even entered my mind.
I found a really good site by the Parelli people and it says that head
tossing is actually related to claustrophobia and also to a lack of respect
for the rider as the leader.

I think that some horse might be in pain from their bit but some just have
an attitude problem.  My horse had an attitude problem, but we have learned
together and now she accepts me as the leader, and she very rarely throws
her head now (maybe once in 2-3 months).  It is usually an expression of
frustration when we are in a group and are WALKING for miles and miles and
she would much rather move out :-) I verbally reprimand her and she doesn't
do it again.
When i first started riding her, she didn't want to leave the barn yard by
herself, and the first time she wouldn't move forward so we ended up backing
up (in the direction i wanted to go - away from the barn) for hundreds of
feet, until she decided that if i asked her to move forward it was the
preferred option, as opposed to backing up.  There was a LOT of head
throwing that day, which i pretty much ignored since forward movement was
much more important.

As Saffy and I spent more time together she has developed so much
confidence.  She will lead a ride or go on a ride just her and I - I am so
proud of her.

Anyways, probably too long, but who doesn't like to talk about their horse!!


Sarah & Saffy
Abbotsford, BC

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