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Fwd: RC: Re: RE: Re: Horse slaughter

Since this is a public debate, I decided to cc Ridecamp on my reply to Renee.


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In a message dated 3/15/00 8:31:11 PM Pacific Standard Time, Eenergonzillen 

<< The reason there are many options is because there isn't one "right 
way"!!!!!!!!  In the end, it really comes down to what gives the owner a 
sense of closure.   >>

My point was that if you can't afford to HUMANELY euthanize your horse (who 
cares what happens to the carcass?) then Yes I do feel sorry for the horse in 
that kind of situation.  Here in California sending your horse to slaughter 
is about as cruel as you can get -- its a long way to Texas.  THAT was my 

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