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Re: Re:Top Ten

Hi all,
BC has three componants...time, condition of
horse, and weight of rider.  MANY times first place horses do not get BC,
as the weight of a heavier rider further down in placings may get a higher
score.  Some people chose not to show for BC for various reasons...some
because of the horse's condition, sometimes the rider wants to go home, is
sick, or whatever.
Comparing BC scores to placings doesn't make a whole lot of sense.  Now
compare VET SCORES and you are more in the ballpark...but it is such an
subjective thing anyway.

To the rest of Shelly's question....we had a problem like this at Cougar
Prowl several years ago.  The vet had to treat seven horses.  What we did
was lower the pulse to 15, and it made a vast difference.  The next year no
horses needed any treatment or had any metabolic problems.  This is
something RM and your vets can do, but they are not responsible for your
horse out on trail!  (BTW, the vets at the ride Shelley was talking about
are excellent, very experienced vets).  
We also try to "scare" them at the ride meeting if we think they will run
too fast for the trail.
At a multiple use trail meeting we attended last weekend, they suggested
making the trail itself hard to do at a fast our experience, this
is not fair to the horses, and will hurt them even further...these people
will run no matter what the terrain.
It seems these people either learn or quit the sport, hopefully before they
damage any horses.  I can think of several riders today who rode way too
fast when they first started...they learned and are good riders now...the
rest just found another sport...

Hope this helps,

Louise Burton
Firedance Farms Arabians

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