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20 Mule Team CEN Ride
The FEI portion of the Twenty Mule Team 100, a CEN Ride had 15 entrants.
I hope that the finishers get posted to ridecamp. At the awards ceremony
they were missed as there were over 200 riders in all three events and
the computer didn't seem to have their event's listing. They were
however recognized in their finishing order but not as FEI riders. I
know that there were about seven people from Pacific South doing their
demonstration ride for their Pan Am nomination and Mike Berstein was
observing them. How did they fare?.
Twenty five dollars was collected from each of these CEN riders and I
heard a few questions as to what the extra fee went to. I don't know
that answer and hope someone will answer that for me.
Does it pay for the FEI official? Does some of it go to AHSA or FEI?
I'll save the story about all of the dogs in the vet checks and my dog
fights until later. But let it be said that "The Duck" said that all dog
owners are goat *&##!!//?'ers (or was it the in-timer that stepped in
the dog poop at the vet check.)
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