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Squeaky leather saddle

I thought I'd Cc this to the list, as some others seemed interested. 
I'm more of a western/rodeo orientated rider, so squeaky saddles are the norm. However, I read somewhere (maybe Horse&Rider or Horse Illustrated) that if you want to stop the squeaks, to put baby powder under the flaps and rigging. I tried this on my roping saddle and it did work. I just put the saddle on an angle and poured away... just be sure to not do it in a windy area. When you turn the saddle upright, just bang it around to get the loose powder out, and voila! A silent (almost) saddle.

-Marlana and resident endurance/roping hopefull, LL Rheebok (but mom, I like squeaky saddles, it tells the horse monsters that I'm coming and they all run away!)
South Attleboro, MA

>I pulled out my Ortho-flex saddle the other day - poor thing hasn't seen any
>ride time in a couple of years & man does it squeak.  Leather is in excellant
>condition, but maybe there are some ideas on conditioners or some such.
>I would appreciate some suggestions.
>Lori, Sky & Packy

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