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new comers to the sport

I am greatly concerned about the influx of new riders to 50's in my region.
I recently attended a ride where I was a spectator for the first time in a
long time.
After seeing several horses finish in the top ten, who had done less than 3
50's, and seeing their condition at the judging for BC, I am greatly
disturbed with the attitude of our new generation of riders!!!!!!
The race was a course record, so it was an extemely fast pace.  When your
1st or 2nd place horse come in 9th or 10th BC  I find it alarming. 
One of the riders who finished in the top 5 had their horse quit, just
refuse to move, a mile from the finish line.  They had to lead their horse
in after beating it  and they still came in top ten. Should a horse that
refused to move on the triail even be given a completion.  Is it not, FIT
I am wondering how to educate these new riders.  How do we tell them it
takes 2 to 3 years to properly leg up a horse to run up front???
It is extemely frustrating for someone like myself , who has ridden
endurance for so many years, watch these new riders self destruct their
horses so blindly!
I have tried to put on clinics to educate new riders, but how do you tell
someone who just top tened a 25, that  they really do not know what they
are doing??... They just top tened!!!
These riders think a year of riding 25's qualifies themselves and their
horses as ready to win a 50.
Any  suggestions??

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