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Re GAGs for people:  Go to Walmart and get Osteo bi-Flex made by Sundown.  It
contains chondroitin and glucosomine and costs about half as much as Cosasmin.
About 3 years ago my right knee was so painful that it was I could hardly
walk, ride, or go down steps.  Somebody else always had to trot my horses out.
I started on this stuff and my knee is now perfect, even at its advanced age.
Of courses it might have gotten better all by itself.  I am riding a 24 year
old mare on CTRs who has over 6000 miles and did 21 rides for a total of 665
miles last summer (placed top 6 on 17 of them)  She has an arthritic fetlock
joint, but 3 injections of Legend over the season keep her sound.

    Check it Out!    

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