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Re: Endurance Bloodlines

Happy Holidays Maggie
I wish more people who have Egyptians had your philosophy. Most of the
people who have Egyptians never even break them to ride (I've heard some
amazingly depressing statistics about that)---they become halter
statues. What a shame as the breeding has so many strengths, including
the speed gene. Because the foundation sire and mare were brother and
sister, the legs can be a problem from what I've read and heard; as
you've said, line breeding brings out the best and the worst. It's truly
a crap shoot; however if they are out crossed properly you can get both
beauty and athletic ability. Let's face it, all the Arabian breeding
programs as well as the thoroughbred programs have their roots in the
Egyptian breeding program---and they didn't do so badly for their Arab
masters. How many other horse breeds could sleep in a tent with their
owners or travel for days and weeks on virtually nothing? Heart,
temperament, physical endurance---we have it all in our Arabians.
Merry Christmas

Maggie Mieske wrote:
> Our boy is only 86% Egyptian and I think we have the best of several
> things... his history is fascinating (love to look at Judith Forbis' books
> with all the pictures of his ancestors and "see" them in Malik).  I don't
> profess to know that much about Straight Egyptians (hardly know anything!)
> but I tend to think that with breeding any critters, an occasional outcross
> to strengthen any weaknesses is desirable.  We line breed our mini lops
> (rabbits!!) to fix certain traits but try to find a good outside line
> periodically because although we may fix certain desirable traits, we can
> also perpetuate some that aren't so great... we feel that whatever breed,
> we need to take each horse as an individual and look at the whole picture,
> not just his bloodlines, not just his history, not just his breed and go
> from there.  We have so many in our area who are "prejudiced" against Arabs
> or Appies or Palominos or whatever breed they may have heard bad things
> about or had a bad experience with.  We invite them all over to meet our
> "wild" Arab stallion and even ride him.  We go right into the pasture and
> he comes to greet them like a gentleman and they can't believe how
> tractable he is.  No flames here unless you need some to warm up by....then
> consider it friendly fire!!  haha  Have a merry Christmas!
> Maggie Mieske
> Mieske's Silver Lining
> McBain, Michigan

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